The visitor to this blog website has got access to interesting reads on travel and tourism related description , stories, and information, one does not have to scroll several websites to gather information, this site provides insights to tourist places of India, and south east asia. This will encourage the domestic as well as foreign tourists to come and visit India, and other south east asian countries which have their own unique culture, cousine and heritage.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The New Age of Mangalore’s Kali Gadangs

You are going to a kali gadang?”my mother asked incredulously. She was visualising me in a gadang—Tulu for a small, seedy bar—known for grimy walls lit up with zero watt bulbs, drinking kali (toddy, palm wine), and chowing down on spicy food from a kitchen with questionable hygiene. “No,” I said slowly, recognising the signs […]

The post The New Age of Mangalore’s Kali Gadangs first appeared on Nat Geo Traveller India.

from India | Nat Geo Traveller India

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