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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

What to look for in a travel insurance policy

 What to look for in Travel insurance

Travel insurance will hopefully be something you don’t have to worry about when travelling – but it is certainly something you need to sort out before you leave. Cover can be hard to arrange once you’re on the road. Book with a reputable insurer before leaving home.

Be covered for where you’re going
This sounds obvious, but check that your cover will apply where you’re going, especially if you’re visiting popular destinations just outside what may be considered Europe, such as Morocco and Turkey.

And for what you’re doing
Attempting to ski? Going rock climbing? Diving? Make sure your cover extends to that. Read the policy carefully to see if there are restrictions relating to, for example, going off-piste. Best of all, plan ahead before you go to be sure you’re covered for any activity you might take.

Also Read: Staying mindful on the road
Also Read: Eat well while travelling

How much cover?
It may seem like your medical provision amounts to mind-boggling millions that you will never need, but remember this is worst-case scenario stuff. As dramatic as it sounds, imagine the cost of you having to be medically repatriated. The highest levels of cover are worth it if you’re going to the USA, where health care is expensive.

Take your documents – and a copy
Travel with your insurance documents, and also have a copy on email. Make sure you store the contact number of your insurer in your phone.

Drinking and insurance don’t mix
Certain policies will be invalid if you are drunk or under the influence of drugs, so go easy when on the road.

This excerpt has been taken from Lonely Planet’s Best Ever Travel Tips.

from Lonely Planet India

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