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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Staying mindful on the road

Mindfulness, or the process of bringing one’s attention to experiences happening in the moment, aligns perfectly with travelling. By focussing on what we are experiencing we get more out of the travel experience.

Regular practitioners of mindfulness might consider travelling to a retreat as a great way to both develop their practice and experience a new destination, but if you’re new to mindfulness, why not start with these simple tips:

Put your phone down

Nothing takes us out of the moment as much as the ping of a phone notification or scrolling through our social media feed. Set yourself a time limit and don’t look at your phone for that period.

Also Read: Tips for your first ever digital detox

Also Read: Eat well while travelling

Sit and watch the world go by

Watching people is a fascinating activity wherever you are and an easy way to make yourself stop and take in your immediate environment. Bring your focus to the taste of your coffee, the sensation of the chair, the smell of the cafe.

Make a walk a wander

All too often we’re in a rush to get somewhere, a rush to get something done and a rush to plan the next step. Being away is a chance to put a stop to all that. Take a walk without a purpose and let chance lead you.

When things go wrong, breathe

Travelling is stressful and there will be times when your heart rate is pumping. Breathing in for three counts, holding your breath for four and breathing out for five is a quick way to regulate adrenalin and allow your mind to focus.

This excerpt has been taken from Lonely Planet’s Best Ever Travel Tips.

from Lonely Planet India

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